I promise,
I understand how you feel.
I get it!
Like the tears on a wine glass,
Reluctantly trickling back into the chalice
You are drowning
In your own glory,
In your own being,
In a time that is forgone,
In everything that makes you – you.

I promise,
I wish I could stretch my hand,
Far enough to pull you out,
But the tears … they are so stubborn,
So possessive,
So guarded,
Only their owner can save them
From their own loss,
As they drip nonchalantly
into the ruby tyranny.

I promise,
If only there was enough space for my love
To sit beside you,
If only there was enough softness
In your heart,
To accept my love,
To give me the part that never heals,
I would hurt with you,
Bathe with you,
Heal with you.

I promise,
Had I known better,
I would write the script from the beginning,
And follow it – abide,
I wouldn’t step out of line,
Mess my words,
Mess the heart, the head, the world;
Mess the silence of the burgundy tear
descending into the ocean of loss,
never to be spotted again.

I promise,
I see you,
I look at you and I see you,
I see through you,
I see you like you will never see yourself,
It’s clear, it’s lucid,
It’s plum-like,
It’s sweet, it’s sour,
Unforgettable, irreplaceable,
It’s kaput!

I promise,
I’m striving to fathom,
Why you left,
Why you never looked back,
Never came back,
Never let me try again,
Never gazed at my rawness,
Never tolerated my pliancy,
Never let yourself be loved,
Never loved me …

I promise,
This is the last stanza,
Of this tête-à-tête;
I could go on and on,
Hoping to sip it all out of existence.
But let it rest a memory,
We choose to remember how we incline;
So that in every swig I take,
I will be searching each tear
that alludes to find you.